The Tree Farmer
Written by Chuck Leavell and Nicholas Cravotta
Illustrated by Rebecca Bleau

Winner of the Arbor Day Award
From Midwest Book Review: Based on Charlane Plantation, a historic 2,200 in Georgia cared for by one of the authors and his wife, The Tree Farmer is a picture book about environmental stewards, who farm and harvest trees while being responsible to the land. The Tree Farmer opens as a grandson asks his grandfather why the family tends trees with so much love, only to cut them down. In response, the grandfather teaches the boy about the majesty of each tree, and how their contributions have a lasting destiny that goes far beyond the tree's death - one will become paper that holds great ideas, another the frame of a bed which will hold limitless dreams. A gentle story, warmly illustrated, about holding respect for the world around one, responsibly using gifts, and giving all one can to the rest of the world. "In what marvelous ways shall you give of your life, young one?"